Luke's Portfolio

About me

          My name is Luke A. DenHartog. I'm 30 years old with a love for computers and new technologies. Currently, I'm enrolled in an edX part-time coding bootcamp hosted by the University of California, Irvine. As you can see from my work section below, I have developed numerous web applications and shared them on GitHub. Creating these projects helped me develop a solid understanding of how a workplace uses tools like GitHub, MongoDB, MySQL, JavaScript, Node.js, and REST APIs. I also learned how to query large amounts of data and answer questions from a MySQL database. I first began my software engineering journey around March 2021. I started using Teamtreehouse and have been studying Full-Stack JavaScript while working full-time ever since. I like solving puzzles, and coding is like solving puzzles with a computer!

          I currently work for a cancer testing lab named NeoGenomics Laboratories but I'm seeking a long career in software development. Most of my life I've worked customer service roles at Target, then Costco, and then at a Sushi Restaurant as a head-server. Working as a server really taught me how asynchronous behavior works. I am a customer oriented professional and I also feel I have great people skills from my decade of experience in dynamic workplaces. I strive to constantly improve my skills in whatever I set out to do. My mother was a school teacher, so I think I get my constant desire to learn and better myself from her. One hobby of mine is analyzing data and uncovering valuable information and patterns. Also im a big fan of watching the NBA, NHL, and Star Wars content. Please feel free to email me with any inqueries. Thank you for taking the time to visit my portofolio.